

Spotter for the iPhone

Let everyone know where you are!

When we concieved this application, what we had in mind were a few situations. Here they are, in no particular order.

Number one; you are about to throw a party at your house and want to invite a bunch of cool co-workers and friends that have never been to your house before. With Spotter you can easily send a mass email or mass SMS with your exact location, which they can get directions to on any phone, computer, or other internet enabled device, however they want to do it.

Number two; you want to meet a friend for coffee at a new coffee shop downtown that she doesn't know about, and you don't want to reveal any important details about it to her (to surprise her with their amazing brews.) So you send her a link via Spotter and your favorite Instant Messaging application for the iPhone, telling her to meet you there, when she gets to the location you can go up to her and reveal the surprise.

Number three; you are travelling and want to show someone where you are, it maybe a train station, a specific highway you are travelling down, or even on top of a mountain (far from any addressable locations.) With spotter you can send an exact link to your location, not to an address near you, and you can send it however you want to send it. This is ideal for describing images to someone with your location.


Spotter is not a social networking application. This is for people that don't need to have everyone on the planet knowing where they are, and wanting to update their location when they feel like showing off where they are for everyone. Spotter is for people who want to let a select set of people (or even just one person) know where they are at any given time, and only when they want to let them know.

For support, suggested changes, or bugs that you have encountered, send us an email! But please make sure, if you are reporting a bug, to include what you did so that we can reproduce the issue!

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